
We attended the 12th International Workshop on Nitride Semiconductors, held from November 5th to November 8th, 2024, on the island of Oahu, Hawaii, United States.
This was my second time attending the international workshop, and I approached the presentations and discussions with a more relaxed mindset, feeling less nervous than I had during my first experience. Engaging in discussions with researchers from other countries allowed me to gain insight into how my research is perceived, which boosted my motivation for future work. I also had the opportunity to explore the latest technologies and research methods from various perspectives, providing valuable inspiration. (Sano)
Please refer to this link for the lab member's presentation.
The 51st Suita Festival

We participated in the sports events of the Suita Festival held at Osaka University Suita Campus.
We tried many sports such as soccer, tennis, and tug-of-war, and in particular, we all worked together to win the tug-of-war wearing original laboratory T-shirts. As we worked hard to win with our classmates from different years, we naturally felt that our unity had increased. (Ando)
The 43rd Electronic Materials Symposium

I had the opportunity to participate in the 43rd Symposium on Electronic Materials, held in Nara Prefecture from October 2nd.
Although I was quite nervous presenting my research independently, I was able to engage in meaningful exchanges with professors and students from other universities. Through these interactions, I received valuable advice that I would not typically encounter in my regular research environment. Additionally, I was able to broaden my knowledge in various fields of study. (Sakuragi)
Please refer to this link for the lab member's presentation.
The 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2024

We participated in the 85th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2024 held in Niigata Prefecture from September 16.
For us first-year master's students, it was our first presentation outside the university, and we were very nervous, but we were able to successfully complete our presentation. We also gained valuable experience by listening to presentations by students from other universities and being exposed to research in other fields. (Kubo)
Please refer to this link for the lab member's presentation.
Participated in NDNC2024.

I attended NDNC2024, held in Sydney from May 26th. It was my first international conference, and although I was very nervous, I believe I was able to showcase my research to the world.
Additionally, interacting with researchers from abroad allowed me to deepen my knowledge of the research being conducted in other countries. (Mochizuki)
Please refer to this link for the lab member's presentation.
Associate Professor Ichikawa received the Young Researcher’s Paper Award at LEDIA2024.
Associate Professor Ichikawa received the Young Researcher’s Paper Award at LEDIA2024, which was held in March 2024 at Pacifico Yokohama.
Please refer to this link for the detailed page of LEDIA 2024.
A welcome party was held for new undergraduate students.

We held a welcome party to welcome the new B4 students joining our lab. This party was held in the form of a barbecue, and regardless of seniority, we were able to enjoy a variety of topics.
A bingo tournament was also held, and a good time was had by all, filled with laughter. I feel that this party brought the members of the laboratory closer together. (Taguchi)
Assistant Professor Ichikawa has been promoted to Associate Professor.

Assistant Professor Ichikawa, who has been working with us since immediately after the laboratory was established, became an associate professor, and the students presented him with a commemorative gift and took a commemorative photo.
We hope that he will continue to make use of his wide range of knowledge and expertise in his future endeavors.